Wonder Woman is an American icon who has been around since 1941. She is an instantly recognizable part of comic book history, but for some reason, it still took more than 75 years for her to get a solo big screen movie. Fellow Justice Leaguers Batman and Superman made to theaters a bunch of times before studio execs realized what they had with the Amazing Amazon.
It’s wild to think because if they would have just picked up a comic book at some point in the past eight decades, they would have realized that Wonder Woman has some of the best stories in the DC universe. With that in mind, comic book fans came together to rank the greatest Wonder Woman stories ever told, and these are the 15 they landed on.
1. Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals

Written by George Pérez, Wonder Woman vol. 2, #1–7
2. Wonder Woman: The Contest

Written by William Messener-Loebs, Wonder Woman vol. 2, #91-93 and 0
3. Wonder Woman: Eyes of the Gorgon

Written by Greg Rucka, Wonder Woman #206—213
4. JLA: A League of One

Written by Christopher Moeller
5. Wonder Woman: Down to Earth

Written by Greg Rucka, Wonder Woman #195-200
6. Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia

Written by Greg Rucka
7. Wonder Woman: Beauty and the Beasts

Written by George Pérez, Wonder Woman #15-19
8. Superman: Sacrifice

Written by Greg Rucka, Superman (Volume 2) #219 (Part 1), Action Comics #829 (Part 2), Adventures of Superman #642 (Part 3), Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #219 (Part 4), Adventures of Superman #643 (Aftermath), Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #220 (Aftermath)
9. Wonder Woman: Mission’s End

Written by Greg Rucka, Wonder Woman #218-226
10. Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Gods

Written by Len Wein, Wonder Woman vol. 2, #7-14
11. Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth

Written by Paul Dini
12. Wonder Woman: Paradise Lost

Written by Phil Jimenez, Wonder Woman vol. 2, #168-169
13. Wonder Woman: Blood

Written by Brian Azzarello, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #1, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #2, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #3, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #4, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #5, Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #6
14. The Wonder Woman Chronicles Vol. 1

Written by William Moulton Marston, All-Star Comics #08, Sensation Comics #01-06, Wonder Woman #01, Sensation Comics #07-09
15. Wonder Woman: Lifelines

Written by John Byrne, Wonder Woman (#106-112)