A deeply disturbing movie based on a notorious criminal case, May December unabashedly explores themes of exploitation, both within Hollywood and between individuals. Todd Haynes (Carol, 2015) directs the Netflix film with a dynamic acting trifecta of Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, and Charles Melton. Actress Elizabeth Berry (Portman) visits the home of a couple to study for an acting role. The couple consists of a very predatory Gracie Atherton-Yoo (Moore) and Joe Yoo (Melton); the two first began their relationship when Joe was 13 years old.
Fans were stunned by the performances of the lead roles and admired Haynes’ fearless portrayal of this cutting melodrama. Here are some initial reactions to May December on Netflix.
This film deals with potentially triggering themes. We gently advise you to research and acknowledge this film’s trigger warnings prior to reading the reactions below.