Who is the strongest Marine in One Piece? That’s the question that every die-hard One Piece fan (and newbies) are dying to know. Answering this question won’t be as easy as answering which One Piece fight was the best, as every Marine has its own complicated history and superpower to go with it. Despite being portrayed as the greatest villain in the series, there are good-hearted Marines that are trying to save lives and overturn corruption within the system. And yet, there are others that abuse their high-ranking powers for their own personal gain.
Regardless of where you stand on the Marines in One Piece, it’s clear these powerful admirals and officers can back up their words with their fists. Some possess the demonic powers of the Devil Fruits, while others have trained their bodies to insane limits.
9. Smoker

When one thinks of the Marines in One Piece, Marine office Smoker of the White Hunter is the one that instantly pops into your head. His bulky physique, white hair, and large cigars make him stand out among the crowd. His Devil Fruit power, the Moku Moku no Mi, allows him to transform his body into smoke. Smoker has often come close to defeating Luffy and turning him to the Marines, however, the rubberman is usually saved by a miraculous stroke of luck, such as their first confrontation in Loguetown. Even without his Devil Fruit, Smoker is an incredibly strong man who is feared by pirates throughout the seas. While he is no-nonsense and intimidating, Smoker is a good and honest man.
8. Ryokugyu

Ryokugyu is an alias of a mysterious admiral working within the Marines. At the moment, his true appearance has yet to be revealed. However, Ryokugyu appears to have a laid-back attitude regarding his duties. Nonetheless, he is considered to be one of the “Greatest Military Power” in the World Government. The oddest trait about Ryokugyu is that he claimed he has not eaten anything in three years, and yet, still has the strength to move around and battle. It’s possible Ryokugyu has eaten a Devil Fruit of some kind, but there’s no current confirmation on what it would be.
7. Kong

As a former Fleet Admiral of the Marines, Kong was a highly respected person of power. Now, as the current commander-in-chief for the World Government, Kong’s political influences have grown to massive magnitude. He not only has authority over the Marines, but also of espionage agents, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Enies Lobby, and the Cipher Pols. Kong also possesses the power to revoke the title of Warlord of the Sea from anyone at any time, and initiate the ultimate Marine assault known as Buster Call to any island he believes is a threat. Kong’s physical powers, however, have yet to be revealed.
6. Fujitora

Issho, who also goes by the name of Fujitora, is an admiral in the Marines. To avoid seeing the ugliness of the world, Issho intentionally blinded himself, resulting in an X-shaped scar on his face. Issho ascended to the position of admiral during the two-year time skip and believes in “Moral Justice,” just like his predecessor, former Marine admiral Kuzan, did. Despite his blindness, Issho is a formidable fighter and possesses the powers of the Devil Fruit, Zushi Zushi no Mi, which allows him to control gravitational forces and channel it through his blade.
5. Aokiji

Aokiji, who also goes by the name of Kuzan, is a former Marine admiral who resigned after losing the promotion of fleet admiral to Akainu. Even though Aokiji is a laid back man with a lack of interest, he will take action when necessary. Aokiji’s beliefs are complicated. He was a faithful follower of the World Government, but was not afraid to go against their order if he believed they were unjust. With the power of the Devil Fruit, the Hie Hie no Mi, Aokiji can create and transform anything into ice. He used his freezing powers to defeat Luffy in a one-one-one battle.
4. Kizaru

Kizaru, also known by the name Borsalino, is one of the three admirals of the Marines. While Kizaru has a laid-back attitude, he is merciless against criminals and pirates. In terms of ranking, Kizaru is only second best to Sengoku in the Marines. Thanks to the power of the Pika Pika no Mi fruit, Kizaru is able to create and manipulate light, turning him into a Light Human. Kizaru can run as fast as the speed of light and transport himself through reflections.
3. Akainu

Akainu is the alias of Sakazuki, the current fleet admiral of the Marines. His extreme belief in “Absolute Justice” has gone as far as ordering the destruction of a refugee ship over the possibility that it could be housing a runaway scholar. Akainu’s ruthless and dogmatic actions have horrified pirates and fellow Marines alike. With the power of the Magu Magu no Mi fruit, Akainu is able to generate and manipulate magma from his body. His magma powers actually outclass the pyrokinetic powers of Portgas D. Ace.
2. Sengoku

Sengoku is a former fleet admiral of the Marines who possesses the power of the Devil Fruit. During his time in the Marines, Sengoku was a strict admiral who followed the principles of Absolute Justice and seldom question orders from the World Government. However, after losing faith in the World Government, he became an Inspector General and loosened up as the years went by. That said, he still has immense wisdom and power. Sengoku’s Devil Fruit, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, transforms him into a giant golden Buddha of tremendous strength.
1. Monkey D. Garp

Monkey D. Garp is a powerful vice-admiral of the Marines who famously cornered Gold Rogers multiple times in his career. He is also one of the few marines Rogers believed was worth his time. Garp, the paternal grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, trained the would-be king of the pirates at a young age and later subjected Coby and Helmeppo to the same harsh discipline. While he initially came off as a sleepy old fool that let “Axe-Hand” Morgan get away, Garp is nonetheless a respected vice admiral who possesses amazing strength, speed, and durability. The only reason why Garp hasn’t been promoted to admiral is because the higher-ups would be able to constrict his actions.