How Does ‘Rebel Moon’ Stack Up Against Zack Snyder’s Other Films? 20 Reviews Weigh In

Zack Snyder is quite the crowd-splitter and this new addition to his filmography is no exception. If you haven’t heard, the filmmaker behind 300, The Justice League, and Watchmen has returned with a sci-fi space opera about a rebellion that starts on a galactic colony. Let’s just say that this new Netflix movie, Rebel MoonPart One: A Child of Fire, wasn’t favored too highly with the public; as of December 18th 2023, the film amassed a mere 21% on Rotten Tomatoes but received slightly better reviews on IMDb with 6.2/10 stars.

Viewers seemed to be on the love-it-or-hate-it train, with people praising its lore-heavy world building or loathing the fact that it takes itself too seriously. Some people were even wondering if Netflix pulled a Snyder Cut on everyone and decided to save a better final cut for a later day. Regardless of rating, here are some of the most earnest reviews we found for Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire.

Hate Train

‘The Snyder Cut’ All Over Again


Feels Bad Man

Good And Bad


Light On Character, Heavy On Lore

A Cinematic Rollercoaster


Hooray For Jimmy

Sucker For Sci-Fi

Photo: @josiahsmethurst / Letterboxd

Lore Feast

Photo: @griffschiller / Twitter

A Mistake Of A Move

Yeah, It’s Not Great

Photo: @sethsreviews / Letterboxd

The Most Obvious ‘Part One’

Photo: @thefilmscritic / Letterboxd


Lots Of Potential

Constrained By The Studio System


Photo: @alivia_marie / Letterboxd

Too Much Slo-Mo

Photo: @scottposts / Letterboxd